Body contouring surgery includes various procedures to assist in removing and tightening excess skin in the waist, abdomen, thighs, buttocks, upper torso and upper arms.
Those who have excessively loose skin in these areas from major weight loss . This loose skin can feel uncomfortable and heavy and may cause difficulty walking/exercising, poor posture, aching back or shoulders, chronic rashes or infections in the skin folds, and personal hygiene issues. Body contouring is most often for those who have had major weight loss of 30kgs or more and have maintained a stable weight for several months.
Removal and tightening of excessively loose skin helps to improve walking and physical activities,, and improves hygiene and overall comfort. It’s important to remain realistic of what can be achieved for you. Body contouring cannot produce a blemish-free body as it involves permanent scarring which cannot always be hidden underneath clothing.
During your first consultation your surgeon will discuss what you’d like to achieve, any expectations you have, questions about the procedure, medical history and current medication. Your surgeon will examine your body and make sure you are suited to the procedure, including your general health, commitment to a healthy diet and exercise. We will provide as much information as possible so that you feel comfortable and informed, and if you feel overwhelmed in any way we encourage you to make a second consultation so that you feel confident with your decision.
Please ensure you have arranged someone to drive you home after your surgery and to help you out at home for a few days. The surgeon will let you know if any tests or procedures such as X-rays are needed prior to surgery. To reduce risk of bleeding and bruising please make sure to:
Body contouring surgery is performed under general anesthetic so that you will be completely unaware of the surgery or any pain, and sleep comfortably through the procedure.
Body lift – removal of large skin folds and fat from the hips, outer upper thighs, lower abdomen, and upper buttocks. The lower part of the abdomen is reduced similarly to techniques used in ‘abdominoplasty’. This leaves a scar just underneath the bikini line. Excess skin from the back is also removed and tightened, with a scar extending from the abdomen to the back area. At the hips, excess skin and fat is removed, and tightened over the outer thighs. This scar runs around the outer hip. The buttocks and thighs can also have a large amount of skin and fat tissue to be removed and tightened, resulting in a scar above the buttocks.
Upper arm lift – excess skin is removed from underneath the upper arm, which varies in each person. The scar often runs from the armpit to the inner elbow.
Medial thigh lift – excess skin and fat is removed from the inner thigh and skin is tightened, leaving a scar where the groin and thigh meet. This procedure may change the contour and appearance of the genital area, especially in women.
All surgeries come with risks that are important to understand so you make a well-informed decision.
Please call our office if you experience any of the following: worsening pain, swelling or redness, bleeding, nausea, vomiting, shortness of breath, diarrhea, pus or fluid at incision site, calf pain or fever during the first 24 hours.
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For any further questions or support, please don't hesitate to email our team for assistance.
If you prefer to speak to someone, our team is here to assist. Please call our Malvern clinic or Richmond office.
To best prepare for our initial conversation and to better understand your goals, please fill out the form and we will be in touch with you to confirm the availability of your preferred surgeon.
For general questions please fill out our general enquiry form or call our Malvern clinic or Richmond office.
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